
Showing posts from September, 2023

Near Death?

 ...aaaaand since that last post, I haven't written in almost a month. The past few weeks have been super busy, but also, I haven't been inspired to write since then. Until our near-death experience, that is. Ok, let me back up. We are all fine. Near-death may be way too strong an adjective, but it could have been near-death if just one little thing in our scenario was different. It could have been just plain old death, but we won't dwell on that. All mammals in our household are alive, well, and healthy. Let's back up to buying this house earlier this year. We immediately fell in love with this unique house built in 1970. It met our needs more than any other home we had looked at, and had some cool bonuses, like a pool and some high-end upgrades. The previous owner clearly put lots of time and love into her landscaping here. It's absolutely gorgeous and quite self-sustaining with just a little care and maintenance. I was excited to become the new caretaker for this